Is your child struggling with reading, writing, or spelling? Are you not sure where to start to help them? Have you been considering tutoring for your child?
There are many reasons to opt for tutoring for your child. Maybe you find your child more likely to work through school struggles with another person, maybe you feel unable to help your child with schoolwork. Tutoring gives students individualized attention that they don’t get in a crowded classroom and can help strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills. The right intervention can help a child close the gap, or help them learn a new skill.
Reading is the basis for learning and school success. While reading is learned primarily in the classroom, many students need extra time and help. Research shows that tutoring is a great way for individuals and groups outside school to support learning. Effective tutoring requires appropriate training and careful planning. At Regina Speech Centre our team of professionals, including our engaging and skilled teacher, are ready to support your child on their journey.
Although it is never too late to provide intervention, there is no doubt that early intervention closes the gap more quickly and prevents a child from needing to struggle. A child, who gets the right kind of help early, often can become a very competent reader. Research tell us that only one in five students who read poorly at the end of 1st grade will ever catch up to grade level reading unless they have access to the right intervention programs that are grounded in the science of reading. Our teacher is guided by the research we know improves reading success. Above all she is: positive, precise, engaging, innovative, diligent, and mindful. We know that with the right learning environment, focused on the right skills, all children can improve their reading.
Facts You Should Know
- 20% of children DO struggle with reading, spelling, and writing DESPITE having average or above average intelligence, parents who read to them, dedicated teachers, and even high performing schools.
- Research shows that without access to the right kind of instruction, the writing and spelling abilities of a poor reader typically do not improve.
- Five or six children in every classroom of 30 encounter moderate to severe difficulties in learning to read, even though they are smart and capable.
- Dyslexia is the leading cause of reading difficulty and is NOT rare. One out of five children has an inherited brain difference that will make learning to read and spell a struggle by traditional methods.
- Children at risk for reading difficulties can be identified with 92% accuracy at ages 5 ½ to 6 ½
How tutoring helps:
- Creates a more favorable atmosphere for learning (particularly through the use of one-on-one instruction)
- Provides more time on task, increased opportunities to read and immediate feedback
- Allows for immediate, positive and corrective feedback to help the learner stay on track and not repeat errors
- Can improve motivation and decrease frustration
- Allows for individual monitoring of progress to ensure that learning is taking place
- Will use instruction based on what science says improves reading for all children
Trust your instincts. If learning to read or write seems too difficult for your child, then it probably is. Get help for your child- and most of all – don’t wait. Get effective help for your child before the gap grows larger!