Workshops & Education

Are you a parent, grandparent, caregiver, community organization, Early Childhood Educator, or an interested agency?

As an organization, Regina Speech Centre is dedicated to offering professionals the tools and continuing education they need to be successful. Professional development includes; information about our profession and related professions, continuing education opportunities such as courses, classes and webinars, and helpful links.

Regina Speech Centre offers a variety of workshops to parents and professionals throughout the year. Topics include:

Community Workshops

All workshops provide information to parents on community resources and supports.

  • Make the Connection ®: A mom and baby interaction and connection group.
  • Ready to Eat: This course covers feeding development for infants, starting solids the right way, early feeding equipment, and feeding readiness.
  • Picky Eating: This course covers general strategies to improve eating habits and recognizing when your child may need help.
  • Encouraging language development in toddlers and preschoolers: Discover good interaction strategies to support your child’s language development in their daily life.
  • Demystifying toddler behaviour: All behaviour has meaning so how do we recognize this and support our toddlers in the right way? We will cover the link between communication and behaviour in toddlers.
  • Emotional Regulation and the Sensory System: How do we help children learn how to control their emotions and why are our senses so important for helping us do this?
  • Movement and Language: What is the link between movement and language? How can we use movement to help improve language in children?
  • Visual Supports in the Home: How can you use visuals (pictures, schedules, etc…) to help your child improve their speech or language in your home?
  • Toy Talk: All toys are not created equal. How do you choose the best toys for your child’s development and what you should be looking for when spending your money on toys.

Professional Workshops

  • Attachment Short Course: What is attachment and how does it affect brain development?
  • Encouraging Language Development (toddler, preschool or school age): Speech and language milestones and general strategies to promote language in your daycare, preschool or community setting.
  • Language Development in the Classroom: What student’s key language skills that impact classroom function? How is oral language linked to written language? What are some good strategies to promote language in the classroom?
  • Visual supports for preschool, daycare or classrooms: What is the role of visuals and learning and why are they so important for children and students? What are the different types of visuals, how can you develop and use them successfully in your classroom?
  • Toy Talk and Play Based Learning: Children learn best through play, it’s their job. How do we use play to promote development and how to choose the best equipment for this.
  • Reading, Writing and Spelling Development: How is oral language linked to reading, writing and spelling development? What are some common language difficulties that are linked to literacy difficulties and what are some speech language pathology strategies to support these areas in the classroom.
  • Emotional Regulation and the Sensory System: How do we help children learn how to control their emotions and why are our senses so important for helping us do this? Why is this so important for language development?
  • Behaviour and Communication: What is the link between challenging behaviour and communication? How can you recognize and change challenging behaviour using communication strategies?
  • The Art of Connecting: Interaction strategies to teach you how to connect with hard to engage children.
  • Hanen Workshops including: More Than Words ®, It Takes Two To Talk ®, Target Word ®, and Learning Language and Loving It ®

If you have any suggestions for professional development activities you would like to see, please contact Regina Speech Centre. We are willing to tailor workshops or courses to your individual needs.