I saw the phrase: “We help people communicate, what’s your superpower?” on a colleague’s cup this week and it really stuck with me, as we get ready for May is speech and hearing month. We are so excited and privileged to spend a month raising awareness for those with communication disorders and letting people know how exciting and amazing our profession is. Did you know that approximately one out of every ten Canadians has a speech, hearing or communication disorder? That means we are so lucky to be able to work with numerous families in this community, and we hope this month you can learn a little more about the people we help and all of the things we do. To do this we have a number of events planned.
May 6th is our first event, a Silent Supper, at the Hunter Gatherer vegetarian diner. If you haven’t heard about it yet, be sure to get your tickets soon , as they are selling fast. Come out and enjoy a great meal and experience the diverse ways that people might have to communicate. Order a meal and communicate using an alternative means, whether that be: sign, device or pictures. This event is a fundraiser for the Kinsmen Foundation, with the funds being raised going to families to help them purchase communication supports.
We will also be at the Cathedral Village Arts Festival again. We had so much fun last year offering a sensory play station for the toddlers and preschoolers visiting the festival, that we thought we’d do it again. Look for us in the children’s area and be sure and stop by with your kids for a play break, and pick up some information on communication while you are at it!
Keep your eyes peeled to your local television stations, you may see some of our friendly and familiar faces throughout the month raising awareness of our profession. Also stay tuned throughout the month to our Facebook page for giveaways, live events and great tips and facts on our profession. May is also the month we release all of the dates and information on our summer camps. We can’t wait to share with you all of the fun and educational activities we will have available this summer.
So stay tuned to our Facebook page, come out and talk with us in person, attend an event, or sign up for a camp. We look forward connecting with our community this May!
Regina Speech Centre. Empowering families. Connecting Communities.